We recommend basing your diet on lean proteins, garden vegetables (especially greens), nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Many have observed that keeping your grocery cart to the perimeter of the grocery store while avoiding the aisles is a great way to protect your health. Food is perishable. The stuff with long shelf life is all suspect. If you follow these simple guidelines, you will benefit from nearly all that can be achieved through nutrition.
People aren't overweight from a lack of access to recipes. They need support and guidance. Nutrition Coaching is designed to provide you with an easy, habit-based approach to nutrition & wellness using simple behaviour-modification strategies to create positive change without the stress of “dieting.”
We help our clients achieve their body composition goals and teach them how to maintain it for the long term.
Together with your coach, you will set some approach goals which will lay the foundation to positive behavior change and healthy habit development.
Book a complimentary Intro to Nutrition today!