In 2025, we’re going to clean up your lifestyle, fix your metabolism and clear your head. If you really want to change your life, you have to start by changing your habits. You become the things that you do. We want you to improve your life by doing the RIGHT things without thinking about them. And we’re going to do it together. Because change is hard, we’re going to support you with coaching and accountability.
This is the Small Change Healthy Habit Challenge
0 Sweet Treats
Protein 3x per Day
60 Minutes of Movement Daily
1 Gallon of Water Daily
None of these habits are easy. The first few days without extra sugar are going to be a challenge. And that’s why we’re going through it together. We can leverage the power of the group for accountability.
The Goal: Consistency Over Perfection
Track your habits with a goal of seeing things accomplished, often. Like a star-chart for kids! Every time you do your habit each day, give yourself a check mark, star, fill in the square, or if you are a techy, use an app like Streaks. The goal isn't perfection. It's consistency. Do it regularly and do it often. Small changes performed consistently = SUCCESS!
First, the challenge costs $99. REGISTER HERE. The price is there to get you coaching, but mostly to hold you accountable. It’s just barely costly enough for you to take it seriously. But you can do it: bet on yourself.
Second, tracking. You’re going to record your success every day on a simple pen-and-ink tracking sheet. You’ll post this on your refrigerator or somewhere else in your home.
Third, the prize: the golden FirePower t-shirt. You can’t buy these: you have to earn them. You earn one by hitting 90% compliance (or 108 checked boxes) on your tracking sheet.
You’re probably going to lose a couple of pounds. You’ll definitely feel sharper. And you’ll gain resilience: you’ll have made it through something tough.But more importantly, you’ll have a running start at a habit that you might keep forever.
You don’t have to commit to giving up alcohol and treats forever. But if you do it for 30 days, you’ll be through the worst part, and then you can decide what to do next. Diets aren’t sustainable; that’s why they don’t work. Habits ARE sustainable forever.
BONUS: We recommend you get the kids involved (no extra cost). Make copies of the Habit Tracker for your kids / teens. Let them choose their goals and earn their own star-charts of success. We don't recommend body comp scans for kids / teens.